Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mercury Retrograde with a vague twist

Here is a picture of Kuan Yin, the goddess of compassion to remind you to use compassion when communicating and receiving communications from others (including this blog). Things may not be as they sound, or appear. Clarify, be patient, stand your ground.
Mercury retrograde occurs every 4 months for 23 days when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards. On January 28 Mercury was at 23 degrees of Aquarius in the evening sky just after sunset. On Feb 19th Mercury will be visible in the morning pre-dawn sky at 8 degrees of Aquarius. So what does that mean? As always mercury retrograde slows down and confuses communications. This particular Mercury retrograde brought Phoenix lots of traffic jams with Superbowl visitors and Phoenix Open traffic. It also brings up surprises, last minute changes, and a sense that the WHOLE STORY has yet to be told.

Normal events may seem to take LONGER, people seem very preoccupied and inattentive. Vagueness is an opportunity to ask questions and gain new insights to those things we take for granted around us. Smile, be still and listen!

This particular Mercury Retrograde is a good time to reassess your spiritual commitments and decide if you are moving the direction you want? Take time to contemplate before making agreements that aren't in alignment with your life goals. Avoid being too nice and offering to help if you aren't sure. Take time to meditate, organize your current commitments and listen to your heart. This is not the best time to buy a home, a car, or decide to move across the country on a whim.

On the evening of Feb 20, 2008 there will be a lunar eclipse that will bring in new energy and hopefully bring in clarity over the following weeks. Have patience, have compassion. Return to your goals for healing at every level. Look for grounded practical ways to move forward on your goals.
Namaste, Anne

Yoga for Depression and Mood Management

It feels like a new chapter in my life as a yoga teacher has begun. This has been such a wonderful month of practicing the many tools I learned at Amy Weintraub's weeklong workshop in January. I met over 30 incredible women who were either therapists or yoga teachers, or both who arrived in Tucson from all over the country.
My biggest discovery was to respect how we need to create a safe space to release emotions we may be holding in our bodies. Once a safe environment is created then the work begins. This work includes
1. Breathing techniques to either calm anxiety or provide added energy to take steps to feel more alive and creative were amazing.
2. Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation to relax, step into a witness state regarding our thoughts and emotions and come closer to understanding our true nature.
3. Learning to dialogue with thoughts and emotions as they appear to learn what purpose they have in our lives, without feeling controled by them.
4. Techniques to move from a distracting emotional state to a calmer state in a nonjudgement, nurturing way.
5. Finding compassion to share all this information with our community and empower each person to find faith in their skills to move forward in their life goals.
Each of us found our most heartfelt wish. Mine is to increase my ability to communicate from my heart to each person I interact with, and find ways to encourage others love where they are right now.
I have set myself the goal of giving our free 1 hour sessions using these techniques for the next few months. At the end of February I will be assisting at two classes Amy Weintraub is teaching in the Phoenix area for therapists. More information on these classes is available by copying and pasting this address into your browser. There is still space available in the classes if you know therapists who are interested in this work.
If you are interested in experiencing a one on one session with me, please email me at to see if we can set up a time. I know everyone is busy, but this is wonderful work that be a great supplement to traditional medicines, therapies and healing practices.
I am hoping to create a website in the next few months as well to share more about gentle yoga for mood and energy management. If you know web designers that you would recommend please let me know.
Namaste, Anne

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jupiter in Capricorn for the coming year, grounded growth

This past week Jupiter entered Capricorn for a 13 month stay. Jupiter moves to a new sign once a year, the last time Jupiter was in Capricorn was January 1996- January 1997.
As the largest planet in our solar system Jupiter symbolizes growth, expansion, guru's, religion, gamblers, storytellers, and adventure, to name a few. This year as Jupiter is in Capricorn, growth will need to be practical and grounded to "stick". Capricorn is an earthy sign that demands quality and grounded determination for growth. Capricorn is symbolized by a mountain goat, that patiently works it's way up the mountain stubbornly focused on it's goal while taking each step cautiously. Capricorn is not flashy but it is known for the reliability, strength, and practicality that are especially needed when life seems chaotic.
Grounded, that's where we need to stay when life gets stressful. Growth through groundedness, practical applications to stay grounded, that is Jupiter in Capricorn. The "engineer" that "works the problem" will benefit from this transit.
To make things more interesting, next month Pluto the planet of transformation will enter Capricorn for a 16 year stay. Many astrologers see this as time of major change for our planet. Once again, more incentive to stay grounded and practical instead of being swept up into media driven anxiety. We can each do our part by practicing kindness and nurturing the planet in practical ways. Perhaps we can change to those environmentally friendly lightbulbs, plant a garden, use cloth recyclable shopping bags, and watch a little less T.V. It seems the writers strike will help us focus on "real world" issues. No Fear.
This Christmas eve, Jupiter is too close to the Sun to be observed. We will be experiencing a full moon in family-oriented Cancer. The full moon will be very large and close to Mars in the night sky. For more information, go to the Nasa sight:
Namaste, Anne

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Laughter yoga

Laughter is uplifting and releasing at once. If you stop to think about it, laughter is a long exhale with noise! Many groups have formed devoted to "laughter for no reason", no jokes are told. People get together to laugh together, enjoying spontaneous laughter which quickly follows a few moments of "Ho, Ho, Ho, Ha, Ha, Ha..." When someone else gives into the inevitable laughter and joy that follows, more people join in. Laughter is contagious. What a wonderful gift to be able to laugh for no reason, and pass it along to others. Try it.

Dreams for being 50 years old

This coming year I will be celebrating my 50th birthday. I recently decided to celebrate this year with Five Things that I have a passion for. To identify what I have a passion for, I looked for things that make me "light up" with energy when I talk about it with others. I started looking at lists on the internet, like "100 things to do before I die". I realized I have a passion for yoga, for adventure, for laughter, for learing to use the internet, for sharing my passion for life with others.
In January I will travel to Tucson to spend a week studying yoga with Amy Weintraub, a yoga teacher I highly respect. Amy teaches "yoga for depression" to yoga teachers, psychologists, therapists, and others. When we can use yoga to give people the energy to overcome depression, I think that is miraculous. I look forward to sharing what I learn with my students in the future.
One thing I have ALWAYS wanted to do is raft down the Colorado River. I started checking trips available. I started to mention it to everyone. So what if my husband and daughter don't want to go, I'm going. Maybe my son is going. I am not letting other people's resistance discourage me. The Grand Canyon has always been magical for me, I am going to do this before I get too old and "rational" to not go.
I have made a list of things that I want to do. I was inspired by an advertisement for the movie, "The Bucket List". I realized when my mother died last summer that my life will be remembered by what I loved. I asked myself "Do I show my family what I love?", "Do I live with passion?"
When I started talking to people about this idea, other people got excited and wanted to participate. Passion is joy for life, we just have to figure out what we want the most, how to get there, and believe it is possible. I started with a couple easy things, like learning 3 good jokes to share with others and getting a good picture of myself for a future website.
Celebrating life is way more appealing than dreading getting old. I am going to keep looking for the glass that is 1/2 full.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Mercury in Scorpio goes retrograde Oct 11th

Oct 7, 2007. Static noise around us

It feels like Mercury retrograde already, although it technically begins on Oct 11th and runs through Nov 2nd. For me this has brought in a lot of annoying energy that is distracting, almost like the static from a radio station that is not quite tuned in.
I went to teach a yoga class today and another teacher was already there to teach. I had been asked by a third person to substitute teach today, so I decided to simply be a student. The other two teachers were confused as to a new schedule between them... The class of over 25 people had a difficult time understanding the teacher’s directions, I felt for her…, some days are frustrating.
This mercury retrograde period starts at 9 degrees of Scorpio and goes back to 23 degrees of Libra. Scorpio looks for truth, deep mysteries, scandals; it likes to shake up the status quo. This period is ripe for political scandal or flawed decision making regarding use of force or power. Look for sewer systems to back up, stay out of petty gossiping, reflect back inappropriate uses of power and stand your ground. In other words, if it is none of your business then keep it that way. If it’s not someone else’s business, let them know that they should back off.
Scorpio is intense, this is a time to look at how you deal with your sexuality, use your masculine element in the world. Is it in balance with the feminine? Are you barking out orders without listening? Can you use your masculine energy more effectively and be constructive without getting angry?
Check in with yourself to see if the masculine and feminine are in balance when you communicate. Allow yourself to double check information that is given to you.
This particular mercury retrograde is being affected for the next couple weeks by Mars in Cancer. Mars energy is masculine, often impatient, and usually confrontational. You may not intend to sound irritable or confrontational, but that’s the way it could sound to others. Family squabbles or differences of opinion may come up. Take a deep breath and drawn in loving Venus energy for balance, then speaking slowly, try again.

Mercury retrograde is all about communication, seeing information in a new way and organizing our lives to be more effective.
Try cleaning out your closets, finishing a project that has been on hold, don’t get sucked into financial schemes that sound too good to be true. Nurture yourself with balance, cook favorite foods and let go of perfectionist criticism.
During the next 10 days (like we need more to process), Venus enters her least favorite sign of Virgo, the public servant and general perfectionist. Venus crosses good old Saturn who is hard working and Mr. Responsible. Venus is less nurturing here which can lead to more misunderstandings, especially in intimate relationships. I can here the conversation ....
He says, “Didn’t you hear me? I told you I was leaving an hour ago.”
She says, “Well you don’t have to take that tone of voice, I was distracted with …”
He says, “I have a million things to get done, I’ll call you later.”
She says, “Fine, then you can help me clean the house.”

Avoid misunderstandings, tell people you appreciate them. Let organizing be in balance with laughter, playfulness and listening to loved ones. Remember what is important to you in the big picture. There is a lot of room for exploring sexual politics in relationships during this retrograde. Who are communicating and who isn’t, who is withholding or manipulating love and intimacy in an attempt to control others? Who needs to improve the way they communicate their feelings? (All of us probably).
By Oct 24th, we will be getting irritable and more likely to act impulsively. We are still sorting out communication issues. The Sun will be entering Scorpio and the sexual tension may go up a notch….watch for it. Ours is to observe, learn and not get sucked into what isn’t our stuff. Namaste

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Working with Resistance, Mars Opposite Pluto

Today is Tuesday, Sept 18, 2007 and I just got back from the gym. I admit it, I run on a treadmill even though the symbolism is not fabulous. It's convenient, I hang out with people in their 70's at the community college gym. In comparison, I look pretty great! I have to deal with my blood sugar crashing into hypoglycemia sometimes, but it all works out.
Speaking of working our muscles, in astrology the planet Mars is assigned to muscles and taking physical action. Currently Mars in Gemini (action to communicate) is opposite Pluto in Sagittarius (changes in philosophies, beliefs). This alignment is joined by the moon (emotions, public opinion) in Sagittarius tomorrow. This may lead to testy confrontations between people of differing beliefs. Reining in your need to over react to other people's actions will serve you well this week. Some people will respond by feeling tense or tired from dealing with muscle tension. Watch if you are holding too much tension and go take a walk, stretch, or even better find a way to laugh really loud. Release the resistance, sweat, laugh, choose to move differently. Slow down in traffic and let that speedster go around you.
When I woke up this morning my muscles were sore! I stretched and moaned a bit. For me this Mars & Pluto opposition is about where I show my power. I choose to laugh, value my health and let go of approval from others. This week I am learning to tell a joke for Toastmasters (terrifying if I need approval), working on staying healthy in spite of blood sugar challenges, and focusing on what I want now (contentment & joy).
Give yourself a foot massage, let something go that is stressing your muscles.
Namaste, Anne