Here is a picture of Kuan Yin, the goddess of compassion to remind you to use compassion when communicating and receiving communications from others (including this blog). Things may not be as they sound, or appear. Clarify, be patient, stand your ground.
Mercury retrograde occurs every 4 months for 23 days when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards. On January 28 Mercury was at 23 degrees of Aquarius in the evening sky just after sunset. On Feb 19th Mercury will be visible in the morning pre-dawn sky at 8 degrees of Aquarius. So what does that mean? As always mercury retrograde slows down and confuses communications. This particular Mercury retrograde brought Phoenix lots of traffic jams with Superbowl visitors and Phoenix Open traffic. It also brings up surprises, last minute changes, and a sense that the WHOLE STORY has yet to be told.
Normal events may seem to take LONGER, people seem very preoccupied and inattentive. Vagueness is an opportunity to ask questions and gain new insights to those things we take for granted around us. Smile, be still and listen!
This particular Mercury Retrograde is a good time to reassess your spiritual commitments and decide if you are moving the direction you want? Take time to contemplate before making agreements that aren't in alignment with your life goals. Avoid being too nice and offering to help if you aren't sure. Take time to meditate, organize your current commitments and listen to your heart. This is not the best time to buy a home, a car, or decide to move across the country on a whim.
On the evening of Feb 20, 2008 there will be a lunar eclipse that will bring in new energy and hopefully bring in clarity over the following weeks. Have patience, have compassion. Return to your goals for healing at every level. Look for grounded practical ways to move forward on your goals.
Namaste, Anne