This past week Jupiter entered Capricorn for a 13 month stay. Jupiter moves to a new sign once a year, the last time Jupiter was in Capricorn was January 1996- January 1997.
As the largest planet in our solar system Jupiter symbolizes growth, expansion, guru's, religion, gamblers, storytellers, and adventure, to name a few. This year as Jupiter is in Capricorn, growth will need to be practical and grounded to "stick". Capricorn is an earthy sign that demands quality and grounded determination for growth. Capricorn is symbolized by a mountain goat, that patiently works it's way up the mountain stubbornly focused on it's goal while taking each step cautiously. Capricorn is not flashy but it is known for the reliability, strength, and practicality that are especially needed when life seems chaotic.
Grounded, that's where we need to stay when life gets stressful. Growth through groundedness, practical applications to stay grounded, that is Jupiter in Capricorn. The "engineer" that "works the problem" will benefit from this transit.
To make things more interesting, next month Pluto the planet of transformation will enter Capricorn for a 16 year stay. Many astrologers see this as time of major change for our planet. Once again, more incentive to stay grounded and practical instead of being swept up into media driven anxiety. We can each do our part by practicing kindness and nurturing the planet in practical ways. Perhaps we can change to those environmentally friendly lightbulbs, plant a garden, use cloth recyclable shopping bags, and watch a little less T.V. It seems the writers strike will help us focus on "real world" issues. No Fear.
This Christmas eve, Jupiter is too close to the Sun to be observed. We will be experiencing a full moon in family-oriented Cancer. The full moon will be very large and close to Mars in the night sky. For more information, go to the Nasa sight: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2007/20dec_christmaseve.htm?list944426
Namaste, Anne