Saturday, August 18, 2007

12 Astrological Sign Symbols

The symbols to the left are for the 12 astrological signs and their star constellations. The earth, the moon, and the planets rotate around the sun along the ecliptic (invisible line across the sky). The 12 star constellations used by astrology fall fairly evenly spaced around the ecliptic. To look for the ecliptic, follow the path of the moon each night through the sky. The star constellations stay fixed in a quadrant of the sky. As the earth moves around the sun, the sun appears to be moving through each constellations quadrant of the sky. The moon takes 29 days to move around the earth. The moon will move into a different astrological sign, or quadrant of the sky every 2 1/2 days. The major stars of the 12 constellations used in astrology suggest the symbol of that sign.

12 Astrological Signs & their Symbol

1. Aries (the ram) …............. .........rams horns
2. Taurus (the bull)….................... bulls head and horns
3. Gemini (the twins)…..................Roman numeral II
4. Cancer (the crab)….. .................crab claws
5. Leo (the lion) ..............................lions tail
6. Virgo (the virgin) .......................Greek spelling of the word virgin
7. Libra (the scales) ........................the scales
8. Scorpio (the scorpion)....... .........scorpions tail
9. Sagittarius (the archer)..... .........archers arrow
10. Capricorn (the seagoat) ............seagoats horn and tail
11. Aquarius (the water-bearer)....waves of electricity
12. Pisces (the fish)...........................two fish tied together

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