Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Working with Resistance, Mars Opposite Pluto

Today is Tuesday, Sept 18, 2007 and I just got back from the gym. I admit it, I run on a treadmill even though the symbolism is not fabulous. It's convenient, I hang out with people in their 70's at the community college gym. In comparison, I look pretty great! I have to deal with my blood sugar crashing into hypoglycemia sometimes, but it all works out.
Speaking of working our muscles, in astrology the planet Mars is assigned to muscles and taking physical action. Currently Mars in Gemini (action to communicate) is opposite Pluto in Sagittarius (changes in philosophies, beliefs). This alignment is joined by the moon (emotions, public opinion) in Sagittarius tomorrow. This may lead to testy confrontations between people of differing beliefs. Reining in your need to over react to other people's actions will serve you well this week. Some people will respond by feeling tense or tired from dealing with muscle tension. Watch if you are holding too much tension and go take a walk, stretch, or even better find a way to laugh really loud. Release the resistance, sweat, laugh, choose to move differently. Slow down in traffic and let that speedster go around you.
When I woke up this morning my muscles were sore! I stretched and moaned a bit. For me this Mars & Pluto opposition is about where I show my power. I choose to laugh, value my health and let go of approval from others. This week I am learning to tell a joke for Toastmasters (terrifying if I need approval), working on staying healthy in spite of blood sugar challenges, and focusing on what I want now (contentment & joy).
Give yourself a foot massage, let something go that is stressing your muscles.
Namaste, Anne

Monday, September 10, 2007

New Moon in Virgo on Sept 11, 2007 is also a partial eclipse

Sometimes I am asked "What is going on in the stars, I feel so tense?"

While there can be many explanations for feeling stressed. The new moon in Virgo on Sept 11, 2007 is under more stress than usual.

Virgo is a hard working sign that likes to be productive and creative. This new moon in Virgo is being challenged by aggrssive Mars, sudden changes from Uranus, and Jupiter the planet of expansion. Projects that formerly seemed managable may change suddenly and become more complicated that formerly anticipated.

Some astrologers speculate that this is "earthquake energy". Whatever you observe will undoubtable create tension that has to be released. This time can be used to look at where you are holding tension or resistance that is limiting your ability to use productive Virgo energy. This eclipse at 18 degrees of Virgo will impact those with planets at 18 degrees Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini for the next 6 to 12 months.

Sudden changes can be met with faith and looking within for calm, centered guidance. Allow yourself to integrate changes without fear to stay productive. Refuse to speculate or take events to a panic level to work through challenges. Know that faith in spirit is a powerful tool in the face of physical changes. Breath deep, smile.

Managing change well and staying in the moment will serve all of us well this week.

Namaste, Anne

The Dog Whisperer inspiration for practicing yoga

I love to watch The Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel (Friday 5:00 pm). This show is all about teaching people (dog owners) to be aware on the energy they project around their dogs.
I truly believe that all of us can benefit from watching how we hold our body and project energy. Dogs are mirrors to our energy and can tell us that we are tense by becoming aggressive. Isn't that amazing?
The idea is that people (dog owners) must project calm and assertive energy at all times or the dog will move into protective energy (aggressive) energy. This forces the dog owners to observe if they are responding to situations with fearful or tense energy, resulting in a change in their dog's behavior. You can't lead well when you are fearful or tense.
When we practice yoga we move into calm energy when we do deep breathing. We move into calm and assertive energy when we decide to do our best and let go of suffering. This is how yoga moves into daily life, by relaxing, observing if we are holding tension and detaching from trying to control everything.
In yoga, Down Dog pose (pictured above and in the animal kingdom) becomes easier when your shoulders and neck relax. By finding the place where you have a gentle stretch in down dog, you release suffering. Take this into daily life and notice how you feel throughout your day. Ask yourself "Do I feel relaxed?", if not then what is interferring with your calm assertive energy? Perhaps it is anticipating something in the future or wishing something in the past had gone differently.
In yoga we focus on staying in the present moment to release tension and connect more deeply to our body and spirit. The Dog Whisperer teaches self awareness, just like yoga can when used for turning inward.
I sometimes forget these lessons and then am reminded when anxiety or stress show up. I might need to get a dog! Never give up on being calm, assertive and accepting doing your best as enough. If we heal ourselves, the world (and dogs) notice.
Namaste, Anne