Monday, August 20, 2007

Mars is pushing you to get busy

This week, Aug 20th to 27th is going to be busy. If it's not you may feel like there is something you are supposed to be doing. Mars, the planet of action and masculine energy is opposing Jupiter. This causes tension. Jupiter likes to expand and Mars wants to move. On August 21st, the moon will be joining the picture as it moves in Jupiter's current part of the sky. Look at the moon tonight near Jupiter. So what does this mean? You might be moving too quickly and need to slow down a bit to stay centered. There may seem to be too much to do, and get angry or even start a fight. Watch how you feel, organize and work through projects methodically without fear. You may notice people are more aggressive or taking more risks than usual. Not to worry, it is temporary. Don't take it personally and get sucked into something that is not yours. This is a good time to just mind your own business and defuse negative behavior by laughing or getting more grounded.
The Sun is still traveling near Saturn this week, so people will be very serious about their work, responsibilities, etc... possibly moving into fight or flight (fear). Get out of their way, do your work and trust the universe.

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